


Great Records, Weird Happenings, Odd Facts, Amazing Moments & Other Cool Stuff

By: Ron Martirano

Let’s play ball!

The grand slam gift for die-hard baseball sports fans, this book is packed with Major League Baseball trivia, superstitions, weird facts about players and events, and so much more!

Baseball is rich in anecdotes about team superstitions (from the black cat that haunted the Cubs to the “Curse of the Bambino”), the antics of the super-stars, and other facts that come out of left field. Think today’s umpires have a temper? Read about the nineteenth century New Jersey ump who pulled out a gun and shoved it in the face of a player who came at him with a bat. Or about the time three Brooklyn Dodger runners found themselves at third base—together. Fans will laugh, they’ll learn—and they won’t put this down!


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Author & Illustrator

Ron Martirano, author

Ron Martirano has worked in publishing for several years, editing books in a variety of non-fiction categories including sports. He lives in Astoria, Queens, New York.

Read more about Ron.


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ISBN: 978-1-62354-057-9

ISBN: 978-0-9822939-9-7

ISBN: 978-1-60734-815-3 EPUB
ISBN: 978-1-60734-368-4 PDF

Page count: 128
6 x 7


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